David received his mediation certification from the Colorado Bar Association in 1994. He has extensive experience in mediating differences so that energy, money, and time are not wasted in discord. He provides mediation for business partnerships, management teams, and individuals in conflict - including post divorce mediation for couples.
Divorce Mediation
As is often said, in divorce matters, the marriage ends but-- particularly if there are children involved, the relationship continues. In many cases, mediation is a viable alternative to litigation. It also can be seen as a cost-effective means of diffusing tensions in order to avoid contention that is costly and highly stressful. David provides mediation services around issues such as:
Parenting & co-parenting
Visitation schedules
Child custody and support arrangements
Maintenance issues

Elder Care Mediation
As people age their needs change, which can impose new stresses on elders and their loved ones. At times, these stresses can raise conflicts within families regarding the care of loved ones. Creating a safe environment through the mediation process supports the individuals involved in managing the stresses inherent in these change-of-life issues so that families remain intact and high-functioning.
Business Partnership Mediation
There are times when business partnerships need support to ensure that the principals maintain clear lines of communication in order to move the enterprise forward. David has taught facilitation skills within the corporate environment as well as led off-sites with top level management teams. Those skills combined with his mediation and coaching skills position him to be a valuable resource in helping individuals and groups plug the leaks that can undermine: an established organization, a start up, or even Mom-and-Pop small business.

Contact Us
9am - 6pm
Please call during our Eastern Standard Time business hours
Big Rapids, Michigan